Per Head Batak or group of in public Batak ( hula-hula, dongan sabutuha, boru, dongan sahuta etc) hardly involves x'self as parjambar. That is: man who is having leastwise 3(tiga) rights: speaks, rights gets animal top slaughtered in event of community, and rights stands in public work or community party. So the importance of carrying out of the jambar would, so that if (there are) any people Batak which is not gets or feels trifled the problem of its(the jambar hence s(he can be fulminate big.
First of all per head in community Batak ( except children and people retired have been elderly from adat/ shade manjalo soots hariapan) confessed has rights to speak ( jambar hata). Because that is in every even meeting of community Batak per head and every kelompok/ horong must be given opportunity to speak ( mandok hata) in front of public. If because allocation of time jambar hata must be representation through kelompok/ horong ( hula-hula, dongan tubu, boru etc) hence man who referred that also must speak for kelompok/ horong
what represented it. As symbol s(he must call member of its(the group stands up together with his(its. Possible in a flash of outsider tells that event of mandok this hata hardly verbiage and inefficient.
But intrinsically jambar this hata subjects to confession that per head has the right to release its(the opinion ( read: the right to be listened) in front of public. Isn't it true this very modern and democratic things?
Hereinafter jambar juhut subjects to belief in rights per head to get part of animal slaughters in party. Farther. jambar this juhut is symbol that per head [is] entitled to get part of source of energy?powers ( resources) life or blessing given God. Because that is not flesh cutting ( or bone) that all important but belief in existence and rights per head. Because that is we see in even meeting of Batak is not merely result of division of the important animal but especially process assorts it. ( event of mambagi jambar). Because process division of jambar also must be done openly ( transparent) and through consultation and agreement from all party(sides which present, and direct di-fait accompli may not by host or figure someone. Jolo sineat hata asa sineat whittles. Each time fleshy cutting or juhut delivered to which [is] entitled to hence protocol ( parhata) must publicize ( manggorahon) in front of public. Hereinafter each time someone receives jambar hence s(he must return to publicizes it is again to each member of his(its that jambar ( rights) they have received.
Jambar this juhut subjects to life style shares ( sharing) a real relevant with modernity life ( democracy) and Christianity. Life resource or blessing of God may not be enjoyed alone but having to distributed fairly in a a real dialogue process transparent.
This is wrong of contribution of community Batak to public and Indonesia state. That result of its(the development and seyogia Indonesia foreign exchange should be able to also imagined as livestock to slaughter which its(the semesti assorted to all public?people fairly and transparent.
Jambar ulaon subjects to confession of culture Batak that per head must be involveed and involved in public work. In even meeting of community Batak there is no passive audience, because all people is action partner. Per head is participant ( parsidohot) and functionary ( partohonan). From depth of its(the soul people Batak hardly longing involveed and involved in public work or community.
Basically people Batak longs has role and position in its(the community and public ( including its(the church). If s(he didn't had the role and position, hence possibility happened only two: the people this Batak will go going away or “ generates riot”. On the contrary if s(he figured or entangled, as parsidohot and parjambar and partohonan hence s(he will try shoulders and accounts the work as well as possible and by might and main his(its ( including sacrificing matter). Why men Batak so diligent and forbear staying in custom party? Because over there they have role and position!
But community Kristen-Batak now still must take heed if only there are still bearing pickings jambar with chance understanding ( sibaran, part, turpuk). Christianity clearly refuses conception about chance ( predestinasi), that is assumption that life, performance and achievement of someone have been determined before all far before s(he borns. Death of Jesus in His crucifix wood and evocation returns from between dead mens has abolished this chance. Old has elapsed because new has arrived ( II KOR 5:17). For people believes nothing that impossible because that is there is no also chance ( Luk 1:37, Kej 18:1 ). God have never planned accident but future that is full expectation for us ( Yer 29:30). Because that for us community Kristen-Batak jambar may not be interpreted as chance. That is mean understanding about jambar must be based on Firman Tuhan.
For us community Kristen-Batak jambar has new meaning: that is life symbol shares byword by Jesus. That is as volunteer Jesus has is dead in crucifix wood memecah-mecah His body and pours His blood for life and kindness of all people, hence we also must always assorts life resource or blessing which we receive to humanity.
In everyday life of we will express that source of economics energy?powers, political and social and cultural the in public and state must be assorted and distributed fairly and flattens, hotly solidarity ( kesetiakawanan).
Culture Jambar is symbol PERSATUAN and KEADILAN at the same time. By giving to per head and group of what becoming its(the rights ( rights speaks, rights gets resource interior, and rights stands) justice realized and association confirmed at the time of the same. Association unfairly is grind. Justice without association is hostility. Because that: Association of Indonesia also must be understood and involved for the agenda of Social justice for all Indonesia public?people.
As church which member of his(its is mostly or most all berlatar-belakang Batak, HKBP will do not willing to must realize this parjambaran culture. That basically every member of HKBP must have rights to speak ( jambar hata), rights enjoys blessing ( jambar juhut) and rights stands ( jambar ulaon). How we accomodate this jambar culture this in liturgy, federation, service, organizational and all ekspressi is having religious service and berjemaat our HKBP?
By: Pdt Daniel Taruli Asi Harahap
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